I got this "Sao Lao" t-shirt made available for purchase. "Sao" means 'girl' or 'young lady'. For the men, there is the i hum yie t-shirt. Every August long weekend my cousin, Vilaysith Sanoubane, organizes "bune Lao" which is a fundraiser festival for Wat Lao Veluwanh . It's an amazing event: a soccer tournament, concert bands, dancing, blessings from Buddhist Monks, food, and Lao merchandise. Over 5000 people attended. For just one day, it feels like you were in Laos. When I was not volunteering at the food booths, I sold the "Sao Lao" and the i hum yie t-shirts and donated the profits to Wat Lao Veluwanh . $22 donation ,towards the development of my blog, will get you the "Sao Lao" t-shirt. Youth sizes: 2, 6, L and Adult sizes: S, M, L, XL. Also refer to the List of product prices for all my Thai & Lao Food products.