Just for the eyes

A few souvenirs from my recent trip to Lyon...

Christmas lunch at my parents'

Shrimp, avocado, and grapefruit salad

Stuffed duck with truffles, sautéed potatoes, and mushrooms

Tome de Savoie, Beaufort, Charolais, Fourme d'Ambert, Saint-Félicien, and other delicious cheeses

Fruits déguisés ("costumed fruits"—dried dates, prunes, figs, and walnuts, stuffed with almond paste)

Dinner at my aunt's and uncle's

Raw oysters from the Atlantic ocean

Another lunch at my parents'

Beef roast just about to go in the oven
Sautéed zucchini and tomatoes

Baked apples sprinkled with cinnamon, butter and a little bit of sugar
(I believe they were Golden Russets—Reinettes grises du Canada)

Lunch at my parents-in-law's

Quail eggs

Saucisson de Lyon (regional cooked sausage. This one came from Pierre's grandmother's butcher.)

Pierre's aunt Suzanne's famous Christmas cookies


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