Marmalade Time

The arrival of Seville oranges must be one of the few seasonal food events left to us who live in the world of strawberries in December. I couldn't wait for them to arrive this year as my supply was well and truly depleted. Not a spoonful left to glorify my morning toast or add to my favourite fruit cake. That said they did sit in my fridge for a few days as you really need time to make marmalade. It can't be thrown together in minutes. Marmalade requires time to prep all of the ingredients but once that is done it can be switched on and left to its own devices for a couple of hours. I coerced my husband to help me get the fruit ready. Out came the fruit juicer and we were away. To make a lip puckering marmalade and why make anything else, you will need: 1kg of Seville oranges. Make sure that they are fresh as the fresher the oranges the easier it is to get the marmalade to set. 1.9kg sugar. The juice of 1 lemon 2 Lt water. You will need at least 6 jam jars. ...