Simple recipe for the original Sicilian cannoli

Yesterday morning I woke up very happy because I wanted to prepare the Sicilian cannoli . I was conscious that not having ever made it would have been difficult and that there was so much I wanted my aunt Elsa to teach me, but she is in Italy and who knows when I'll see her ... I wanted then groped and eventually my stubbornness I was rewarded. I spent the whole of Sunday in the kitchen, experimenting with different recipes, in fact, the cannoli were good , but not quite as crispy as I like. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a perfectionist, which is why I tried to change the mix, but the result still did not satisfy me. I thought then that it could be the temperature of the oil, but it was not even that. I tried to let the dough rest more, but nothing, not even depended on it. I was about to give up. After four attempts I finally got what I wanted for dinner and I had a fantastic dessert. Ingredients for about 8 big cannoli: For the shells 1 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour 1 tabl...