Mini Homemade Pretzel Dogs
My church held their second annual Highrocktoberfest last week and asked me if I could provide some snacks again. Last year there was a competition for best cornbread, which I won with my Elote-Style Cornbread Waffles . This year there was no such competition; I was just told to make something that would go well with beer. Since I'm not a big beer drinker I wasn't really sure what that would be, but then I took inspiration from the fact that this was a riff on the German Oktoberfest. What could be more German than sausage and pretzel? I pretty much followed Alton Brown's soft pretzel recipe but decided to skip the salt in the pretzel dough since the sausage would provide enough salt. I also threw in some diastatic malt powder since I had a lot left over from making croissants . You can use cocktail weiners for this, but I was able to find mini kielbasa sausages at my grocery store so I went with those. And instead of buying pretzel salt, I just used ...