Nigerian Chin Chin Twirls ~ Italian Cenci

One of my readers wrote to me drawing my attention to the fact that our very popular pastry snack called Chin-chin, could jolly well be an "offspring" of an Italian classic deep fried pastry dough called Cenci... So off I went to do my own research, and it did not take me a long time at all to come to the realization that there could be a lot of truth in this.....actually I am now convinced there is truth in this and there is a strong link between both of them; Nigerian Chin Chin and Italian Cenci...! I have often wondered the origins of Chin Chin, how we were introduced to it, and how it became so popular and above all, I did wonder how the name came about.... So I trawled the web again to find out how to pronounced the Italian word Cenci, and I was shocked by how so similar it sounds to Chin chin...! Again, I went through numerous Cenci recipes to compare with Chin Chin recipes, and again they are closely similar with only some small variations in particular, amount of suga...