Cottage Cheese Pancakes with Raspberry Sauce

Another favorite breakfast at our house is 
Cottage Cheese Pancakes.
These are delicious, high protein, 
and will remind you of a delicious
 cheese blintz, only these are
so much easier to prepare.
I top them with raspberry sauce, a
dusting of powdered sugar and a
dollop of sour cream. Like I would a blintz.
Here are the ingredients.
 Whisk the eggs in a medium bowl, then
add the cottage cheese and whisk until
well blended.
 Whisk in the sugar and lemon juice.
Stir in the flour starting with ¾ C 
until it's the right pancake batter 
consistency. You may need to add a bit
 more. Don't make it too stiff. Stir just 
until the flour is blended.  
 Use about ¼ C for each pancake and flatten
then with the back of the scoop or spoon.
Fry in hot butter/oil until on MH
 heat until the edges are nice and crispy 
and the bottoms are browned. Flip to
cook the other sides. 
 For the raspberry sauce I use a
bag of frozen raspberries.
 Combine the sugar, water, lemon juice
and cornstarch in a small saucepan.
Bring to a simmer and stir until
thickened and clear.
 Add the raspberries and heat
to boiling stirring to combine.
Let cool a bit.
Spoon the warm sauce over the pancakes.
 I always serve pancakes on warmed plates.
 If I don't use all the sauce I freeze it
in small 1C containers.
I'm way ahead for the next time we 
have cottage cheese pancakes. 
 I like to garnish the plate with a few
fresh raspberries, a dusting of
powdered sugar, and sour cream
This is such a great flavor combination. 
 If you don't want to make the raspberry sauce
you can cheat and use raspberry jam
thinned with a bit of lemon juice and warmed.
That's good too.
I'm going to try it next time with my
cranberry chutney or easy cranberry sauce,
 warmed a bit. I think that would be
tasty and give it that holiday flavor.

This recipe is easily divided in half for just
 the two of us. Half the recipe will make 8 small
3" pancakes. They mix up so easily we can enjoy
them any anytime. Makes your morning special.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes
2 C cottage cheese, 16 oz container
2 eggs
4 T (¼ C) sugar
1-2 T lemon juice
¾ C to 1C flour
Whisk the cottage cheese, lemon juice, sugar 
and eggs until well blended. Stir in the flour,
just until you get the right consistency.
Use a large spoonful of batter for each
pancake and pat down to flatten a bit.
Fry in butter/oil until golden and crispy
 around the edges, turning once. Serve on
warmed plates with warm raspberry sauce
and a spritz of lemon juice, a dollop of
sour cream and a generous sprinkle
of powdered sugar. 

Quick Raspberry Sauce
12 oz bag frozen raspberries, about 2C
¼ C sugar
¼ C water
1 T lemon juice
2 t cornstarch
Combine sugar, water, lemon juice,
and cornstarch in a pan. Whisk to blend.
Add raspberries and heat to boiling
stirring often. Reduce heat and simmer
for 2 minutes until the sauce is slightly
Here's an alternative sauce.

Raspberry Jam Sauce
Thin seedless raspberry jam with a little
lemon juice. Warm in the microwave. 



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