Years ago, when I lived in Rome, I'd order polenta with spuntature at a restaurant in my neighborhood of Trastevere. But only in winter. It's a rare restaurant that features it at other times of year, and if it does, it's likely to be a place devoid of Romans. Even though you can certainly make polenta in spring, summer or fall, to me, it's strictly winter food. And now that winter is in full swing, polenta is on my mind. I've made it a few times this season already, but not with spuntature. Since I was going to be making a ragù, I thought I'd include some sausages too, and put together some meatballs to enrich the sauce even more. As long as you're going to the trouble of cooking something for several hours, you might as well make enough to put in the freezer for a few meals later on, right? So I pulled out my biggest stainless steel pot to get it going. While the sauce was simmering away, I fried some meatballs. I know, frying foods isn't the best th...
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